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Policy Writeshop on Risk Insurance & Cancabato Bay Management Plan

On September 27-28, 2016, a two days policy writeshop was conducted by NGO for Fisheries Reform at Ritz Tower de Leyte, Tacloban City. Representatives from different fisher folks association in Tacloban City such as the TaclobanFisherfolks Urban Association (TFUA), CabalawanFisherfolks Association, Old Kawayan Women’s Association, Old KawayanFisherfolks Association (OKFA) St. Vincent Womens’Association, Rural improvement club and Brgy. 75 fisherfolk association attended the said policy write shop. Representatives from government agencies such as DENR region 8, BFAR region 8, FLET Tacloban and SangguniangPanglungsod also participated in the event.

The main objective of the write shop is to create and propose policy for risk insurance and Cancabato bay management plan. The two days policy writeshop mainly focused on how to protect the coastal areas of Cancabato bay and to have knowledge regarding Fishery law. The participants highlighted the importance of fishery law enforcement training in order to protect coastal areas and to deputize a member so that he/she is allowed to arrest or warn illegal activities that damage the sea.

At the end of the event, a newly revised proposal regarding risk insurance and cancabato bay management plan were made and different agencies such as BFAR, DENR, CFARMC, Sanggunian and NFR shared commitments in order to achieve the proposals made by the participants.

Click link to view full documentation: policy-writeshop-on-risk-insurance-cancabato-bay

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- who has written 22 posts on NGOs for Fisheries Reform.

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